Although car makers are striving to improve the metals used on cars, salt is still a 90 BILLION DOLLAR PLUS PROBLEM each year in the US alone!!
That’s a LOT of money!!! Washing with soap alone or rinsing with fresh water will not remove salt! Parking your car in a heated garage only compounds the problem as heat ACCELERATES the corrosion process! This problem can now be kept to a minimum with SALT-X! Years of use by the military, many towns and cities and by the general public have proven that regular use of SALT-X for rinsing vehicles of all types will extend the life of that equipment and reduce down time due to salt related problems! This use has also shown that SALT-X has no adverse effect on paints or decals.
SALT-X can be applied with our AUTO-MIX UNIT, a pressure washer (set at 2 oz per gallon or a 1-64 dilution) or 3 gallon tank type garden sprayer. If available pull your vehicle up on a set of portable ramps to make it easier to get to the undercarriage. Rinse the entire vehicle thoroughly, playing particular attention to the undercarriage(underside) and wheel wells, and let air dry! Remember!!!!!! Even though the ice and snow weather may be over…salt residue can remain on roads for several heavy rains after the season ends. Once you are sure the ice and snow season are over, wait until after several heavy rain storms have occurred and then rinse your vehicle one last time until winter returns. Follow directions on label.
SALT-X is safe for use on virtually any surface, so use SALT-X on any surfaces that you feel have been exposed to salt (mailboxes, curbside shrubs, fences, etc.)
Don’t be fooled by copycat products on the market!!! We have received numerous calls from people complaining about damage done to their equipment by products that appear to be SALT-X!!! Don’t be fooled by these imitations!!! INSIST ON: